The St. Philip DEOs continued their training at the Princess Margaret School. This evening Mr. Carlos Bishop from the Barbados Fire Service conducted the session. He was one of the first fire officers to enter the site at Arch Cot in Barbados rescue and recovery effort. Mr. Bishop had a great deal of practical and technical assistance. The class room was full and members particpated enthusiastically in the session.
In addition to taking in the lecture members were called upon to say how they would approach a particular disaster scenario presented to them. The class was broken into two groups. This showed the ability of those present to work as a team since there was a very limited time in which to assess the situation and determine the stepas that should be taken in such a situation.
In addition three methods were shown in getting a victim out of a dangerous situation. These included lifting, dragging and the use of a stretcher.
Congratulations to the members of the St. Philip West DEO on your website launch.
Thank you very much. Looking forward to our continued work and collaboration. Thank you for the excellent work you are doing in spearheading our training.
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