It was recently announced that the Giant African Snail has infiltrated every parish in Barbados. The Ministry of Agriculture with its very dedicated officers came out on Friday June 20th 2008 to assist the members of the St. Philip West DEO in their quest to turn back the unfestation of the Snail in the area.
These very dedicated men and women braved the cold and the wind to assist in the eradication of snails in the Harlington and Mangrove areas. They were outfitted with rain gear, boots and gloves.
As the effort started the first thing that the members noticed was the large number of snail shells in the area. This was good news as it meant that the baiting that the Ministry and the DEO had done earlier in the year has paid off. There were however also many live snails that were found and burnt. These efforts would be more effective if the DEO could get more members of the public involved in the baiting exercise.
Frankie Weeks from the Department of Emergency Management took some time to come to St. Philip to witness the effort. Let's get some greater community effort next time.
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